Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood

Shop Vivienne Westwood

At Mainline Menswear you can find designer Vivienne Westwood to suit your own personal style. From t-shirts to belts, we also stock a huge range of punchy shirts, shoes, jeans, jumpers, jackets and of course jewellery.

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Vivienne Westwood
About Vivienne Westwood

Undoubtedly one of the most striking and instantly recognisable designers on the scene today, Vivienne Westwood herself is every bit as intenseas her many fabulous products. A designer whose ties to the British Punkmovement are as well-known as her products, Working with Malcolm McLaren in the early seventies, the would-be manager ofThe Sex Pistols and New York Dolls, the Westwood brand as we know it today sooncame into existence.. Owning six exclusive shops to date, the Vivienne Westwoodbrand is not just famous for the kind of ground breaking anti-establishmentfashion which helped to define a movement, these days the company has fingersin a range of different design pies and everything from clothing to fragrancescan be purchased under the hugely respected Vivienne Westwood name.